A culture cannot be known without living and experiencing it firsthand.

Project Janani is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded by Hindu youth that attempts to provide a framework for the diaspora Hindu youth to navigate their cultural environments .  It aims to set a precedent for the representation of minority cultures through the creation of a feature-length documentary.

What does it mean to be Hindu in the west?

Why do micro-minority Hindu immigrants in the West suddenly discover that they need to know more about “Hinduism”? Why do Hindu kids scour the internet in search of answers to the questions asked by their non-Hindu peers about their clothes, food, religion, gods, and practices? Whose description of their own culture do they find, and does their lived experience match that description? Are the answers given by their immigrant parents satisfactory? What is different in the Indian Hindu experience, where the culture is lived daily?

This leads to cognitive dissonance and self-doubt among the Hindu youth. Many of us, not able to find answers to such questions, out of shame, decide to give in to the dominant narratives, giving up everything we inherited. As a result, instead of making a genuine inquiry, some of us end up propagating the same stereotypes and misrepresentations.

In order to answer the questions above, we set out on a journey along the banks of the mother “Janani” river Godavari, who nourishes and sustains diverse communities on its bank.

Only with your help, donations, and blessings can Project Janani flourish. Watch the video to learn more about us!


Pre-Production (Present - May 2022
This portion includes research, writing, fundraising, and all the logistical planning for production
Production (May - July 2022)
We pick up the camera and film the documentary traveling along the Godavari river
Post-Production (July - Dec 2022)
Post-production is where the magic happens including narrative building, grading, editing, and composing the music
Film-Festival Run (Jan - Apr 2023)
We will be submitting our work to multiple film festivals internationally to compete against other films and to showcase our work
Public Release (Apr 2023)
After the film-festival run, we will be allowed to publically release our film to the world through public or OTT platforms.

how can you help?!

Our biggest need is financial. We aim to raise $20,000 to meet the demands of equipment and domestic travel that is needed in order to film the project. Every penny donated goes towards the project, and is tax-deductible!